
New Doctors' Health NT Medical Director

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We are very pleased to share that we have appointed Dr Chris Clohesy as the Doctors’ Health NT Medical Director. Chris will be working a few hours a week, establishing more local supports and linking in more broadly with other resources for the NT.

Chris spent his first five years after graduating, working in the Royal Darwin Hospital. He worked in Katherine Hospital and was the Medical Superintendent of Gove District Hospital for a number of years. Over the last ten years, Chris has been working in remote communities in the Top End.

In recent years, he has lived in Ngukurr for two years and Maningrida for three years. He is a past member of the NT Clinical Senate and past chair of the NT PHN Top End Clinical Council.

Chris recognizes the unique challenges of working in the NT and is a strong advocate for Doctors Health NT.

Chris is married to Stacey, a civilian doctor in the ADF, and they have three adult children. Chris has a strong interest in public speaking and is the current President of the Rostrum Australia Online Club One.

Welcome Chris.

Dr Chis Clohesy