Key Supports to Hospital Doctors
Be inspired/get involved....
Doctors' Health & Wellbeing Group
The Doctors Health and Wellbeing Interest Group has been formed to help hospital doctors to be physically and psychologically fit to do their job. To contact the Doctors' Health & Wellbeing Group, please email the Medical Education Officer at
Supervisor Network Meeting
A large amount of supervision is necessary within the medical profession. Medical students, junior doctors to advanced trainees all require supervision, assessment and feedback to enable them to grow and develop as doctors. While many colleges offer excellent resources for supervisors, access to support isn't always easy and with such high workloads it can be difficult to gain opportunities to connect and collaborate with other supervisors about challenging and rewarding situations.
The Supervisor Network Meeting is an informal safe and supportive group where supervisors come to share stories, problem solve difficult situations and share resources and support of one another. They meet every 2 to 3 months in a variety of settings.
To get involved or to find out more you can contact the network via email to
Top End Medical Society
The Top End Medical Society is the peak representative body for medical and allied health staff working at the Royal Darwin Palmerston, Gove and Katherine Hospitals. To find out more information or to join please check out the Facebook page here
RDH Healing and Wellness Park Committee
The Healing and Wellness Park Committee focuses on looking at overall greening concepts for the whole Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) campus. They currently meet monthly to provide advice to the RDH Redevelopment Steering Committee on the planning and development of the greening of the RDH campus. If you are interested in being part of the advisory committee please send your Expression of Interest (EOI) to Margaret Farrell, General Manager Operations, RDH via email to
Paediatrician’s inspiring work in Timor-Leste - read here
RDH/PRH ED Wellness Group - download activities here
International Medical Graduate Support Network
The Top End Health Service values diversity and the multicultural workforce it employs. Every year we have a number of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who commence employment in one of our four hospitals. Transitioning to the Australian health care system and an Australian workplace for the first time can be an anxious time for anyone including junior doctors. The International Medical Graduate Support Network is a safe and supportive group where IMG’s can ask questions of other IMG’s who have worked at TEHS for various lengths of time. The Network provides a point of contact and mentor for work related queries as well as creating opportunities to socialise through regular coffee catch ups, dinners or other events. To get involved or to find out more you can contact the network via email to
RDH Division of Medicine Consultants Social Meet Up
Initiated by the Co-director of Medicine with an aim of building on and improving working relationships, outside of the acute care environment. These regular social activities held the last Wednesday of every month, can create an opportunity for colleagues to discuss concerns, issues, health innovations or just the footie scores in a relaxed and safe space. To find out when the next event will be held you can contact
Healthy Start Program - find out more about this health literacy initiative here
Working in the AOD Services - caring for your wellbeing through advancing skills - read here
What's happening - more to come!
To contact the Doctors' Health & Wellbeing Group, please email the Medical Education Officer at
More details to come.....
Find your own GP - connect with local GPs who are experienced and trained through Doctors' Health NT.
Telemedicine - an alternative if you are unable to link with a local GP in your area is to make an appointment with the telemedicine service and have your initial consult with a GP online. There is also services available to link with psychology services.
Working as a medical practitioner in a hospital in the Northern Territory is a unique, rich and challenging experience. The Doctors' Health NT program works closely with local medical staff to assist when support is needed and provide information and presentations on how to maintain good health and wellbeing in a busy doctor role.
All of Doctors' Health NT services are available to Northern Territory doctors and medical students:
- 24/7 Urgent Advice Peer Support phone line - 08 8366 0250 (operated by Doctors' Health SA)
- Telemedicine appointment with a GP - Phone 08 8232 1250 or email
- Support for doctors for doctors across the Northern Territory, you can Find a GP here.
There is a National Mental Health support service operated by Converge International funded by the DRS4DRS, for doctors and medical students, available 24/7, telephone 1300 374 377 (1300 DR4 DRS) or visit webpage here.

Urgent Support & Advice - Call 08 8366 0250
Doctors' Health NT provides a 24/7 phone line that is operated by experienced GPs based in the NT and SA. You may phone this line anonymously and seek support about your physical or mental wellbeing. The doctors on the line are able to assist you immediately and connect you with services that you may need beyond the phone call.