Time Management for Busy Medical Professionals
Doctors’ Health NT is pleased to invite all medical practitioners to this evening workshop to be held in Darwin for the first time!
This **free** 1-hour workshop will provide some practical
information and skills in relation to:
- Time management – managing paperwork and emails, saying no, procrastination, overcommitting
- Stress management – guilt, dealing with excessive demands, stress
- Work-life balance – time for family and self, dealing with multiple demands
Tuesday 3rd September 2019
Arafura Room Novotel Darwin Airport, 2 Sir Norman Brearley Drive, Marrara
6.00pm for 6.30pm Will conclude approx. 8.00pm
Every person who attends will receive a free copy of Hugh’s time management book.
~ A light dinner will be provided ~
~ Opportunity for networking with local colleagues ~
There is no registration fee, Doctors’ Health NT is supporting this inaugural event for all registered medical practitioner in NT – Details about Doctors’ Health NT – www.doctorshealthnt.com.au
**To ensure the full impact of the program numbers are limited**
*A certificate of attendance can be provided upon request*
- Flyer to share with colleagues can be downloaded here.
Enquiries can be emailed to Program Manager, Kiara Cannizzaro – kiara.cannizzaro@doctorshealthsa.com.au
Registrations via the Register button on the top right hand side of this webpage.
Join internationally recognised public speaker, educator and researcher - Hugh Kearns from ThinkWell.
Hugh provides an entertaining evening with many tips and tricks for medical practitioners to improve managing a busy medical career and creating more time for other important aspects including their own health, family time and balancing life outside of work.
His areas of expertise include self-management, positive psychology, work-life balance, learning and creativity. He draws on over twenty five years of experience as a leading training and development professional within the corporate, financial, education and health sectors in Ireland, Scotland, North America, New Zealand and Australia. He has coached individuals, teams and executives in a wide range of organisations in the public and private sectors.
He lectures and researches at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. He is widely recognised for his ability to take the latest research in psychology and education and apply it to high-performing people and groups. As a co-author with Maria Gardiner, he has published ten books which are in high demand both in Australia and internationally.