Nhulunbuy Building Resilience in Medicine
Latitude 12 Restaurant, Walkabout Lodge, Nhulunbuy
Presented by special guest Dr Jill Benson, AM (GP, Doctors’ Health SA & Spinifex Health Service, Tjuntjuntjara)
Doctors’ Health NT is pleased to invite all medical practitioners working in Nhulunbuy.
This **free** seminar that will explore the stressors of medicine and provide some practical information and skills for managing a busy, remote medical career and personal responsibilities, covering areas such as:
- Conflict between career and family/personal responsibilities
- Long work hours
- Skills to deal with stress
- How to protect yourself from burnout
- Stigma regarding the competence of doctors with mental health problems
- Always trying to keep up with the changes in medicine
Dinner will be provided (6.00pm for 6.30pm start)
Download flyer to share with colleagues here.
There is no registration fee, Doctors’ Health NT is supporting this event for all registered medical practitioners in NT – Details about Doctors’ Health NT – www.doctorshealthnt.com.au
*A certificate of attendance can be provided upon request*
Enquiries and registrations are to be emailed to Program Manager, Kiara Cannizzaro events@doctorshealthsa.com.au