Doctors for Doctors Training - June 2018
This session will provide candidates with the following learning outcomes:
- Gain a greater understanding of the health seeking behaviours of doctors
- Raise awareness of the barriers doctors face in seeking medical care
- Clarify the criteria and triggers for mandatory reporting
- Improved understanding of 10 ways that doctors remain healthy and sustainable
Target group: Interested and experienced NT doctors who have an interest in the health of their colleagues and want to improve their skill in treating other doctors. It is not compulsory to join the network of doctors for doctors, and those who have attended this training before are welcome to attend as a 'refresher'.
CPD points: The program offers 6 hours of adult learning with a mixed format of adult learning methods.
• 2 hours of face-to face learning
• 4 hours of on-line case studies which highlight a number of aspects of the health of doctors and medical students (Log-in is required and details of this will be provided to you)
Accreditation: Activity number 86644 has been approved by the RACGP QI&CPD program in the 2017-2019 triennium. Total 40 Category 1 points. ACRRM points applied for & 5 MIGA Risk Management points allocated.
Registrations are being managed by the NT PHN please click on the Registration Link on this webpage.
*Please note: That whilst this training is to support GPs to see doctors as patients, it is not a requirement that you must join the Doctors' Health NT program, that is purely voluntary and more information will be provided at the training. You may attend this training for your own interest as well.
For enquiries about the training you can contact Medical Director, Dr Roger Sexton via email
For general enquiries about the venue and catering please contact Barbara Boyn at NT PHN via email