#crazysocks4docs - Stop the mental health stigma in medicine
Prepare your odd socks for 1 June. Join 100's of doctors, medical students, health leaders, clinicians and many other supporters in promoting and de-stigmatising mental health in medicine.
You can follow hashtag #crazysocks4docs in social media, as well follow @crazysocks4docs Twitter handle.
Read about how this campaign successfully started by a passionate advocate for de-stigmatising mental health in medical culture, Dr Geoff Toogood - Campaign started on 1 June 2017 - read more
“The message needs to get out there that doctors need to look after each other, so that we can look after everyone else.” said Dr Geoff Toogood
"Living Well Working Well" a great blog by Dr Eric Levi about improving doctors' wellbeing in the workplace. Dr Levi recently presented this at the RACS 87th Annual Scientific Congress with the American College of Surgeons, May 2018.